Friday, November 13, 2009

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair drye

after you give them a bath. I used to use a hair dryer on my 2 yr. old female but I immediatly stopped after I read this. now, I just hand dry her with a towel. why can't you use a hair dryer on your cat after a bath? any answers will be appreciated! Thanx!

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

I've never heard of that. What magazine was it? I'd like to read what else they have to say. Don't groomers and people who show their cats use blow dryers? I know you can't use kennel dryers with them. It gets too hot for them and they can't breath.

keep me informed, would you?

Good Luck

lol Jaime-Lyn, when my hubby was doing some stuff for me, hanging pictures and that, our oldest cat attacked his drill! Hit it a few times then laid down and went to sleep. I guess she just had to establish her dominance or check it out or something.

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

It will probably traumatize her! I wouldn't use one on my dog--she'd try to bite it.

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

you can. the cat will probably hate it though. my dog barks at our hair dryer but it's just a faster way of drying her. cat's are the same

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

I never used a dryer... Its kind of traumatic for them...

My old gal would tolerate the bath but she put her paw down when it came to the noisy dryer..

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

i'm not sure if you're supposed to or not, but i know my kitty would freak out from the noise!! i just towel dry her and then let her dry herself the rest of the way.

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

not the heat but noise and the blast of wind... also it dries a cat's skin... yours too. By the way, only time I ever had to bathe a cat was after an encounter with a skunk... not good for either of us.

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

On low air, it's not bad. I have a friend who always uses a dryer. The cat gets good and fluffy and actually likes it. Cat loves bath time.

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

Well, I have a couple of scars in the pinkie finger of my right hand from the ONE time I tried to blow dry a cat after giving it a bath!

This gorgeous, loveable stray cat showed up at our house, and my sister fell in love with it and wanted to take it home. I decided I would clean her up a bit before the trip. She was a Maine Coon, so she had long hair that was dirty, etc.

She did so well in the bath. Very patient and didn't make a fuss or meow. I thought that because she was so calm, she might be able to handle the dryer (on low), and we could speed up her drying time. The instant I turned it on, she let me know she wanted nothing to do with it!

As I said... I have a couple of teeth marks as a permanent reminder of this lesson! Cats are different and can adjust to different things... but I won't try it again!

A while back I read in a pet care magazine that you should never blow dry your cats with a hair dryer?

It is very bad for their skin. My vet told me to never give my cats a bath at all unless they spilled something bad on themselves. Cats wash themselves.

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